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Auf dieser Seite können die vom Missbrauchsfilter erzeugten Variablen für eine einzelne Änderung untersuchen werden.
Variablen, die für diese Änderung generiert wurden
Variable | Wert |
Name des Benutzerkontos (user_name) | 'JXSnack' |
Gruppen (auch implizite), in denen der Benutzer Mitglied ist (user_groups) | [
0 => '*',
1 => 'user'
] |
Ob ein Benutzer über die mobile Oberfläche bearbeitet (user_mobile) | false |
Seitenkennnummer (page_id) | 0 |
Namensraum der Seite (page_namespace) | 0 |
Titel der Seite (ohne Namensraum) (page_title) | 'Kszaczuch (Online Personality)' |
Vollständiger Seitentitel (page_prefixedtitle) | 'Kszaczuch (Online Personality)' |
Aktion (action) | 'edit' |
Zusammenfassung (summary) | 'the beginning' |
Altes Inhaltsmodell (old_content_model) | '' |
Neues Inhaltsmodell (new_content_model) | 'wikitext' |
Alter Wikitext der Seite, vor der Bearbeitung (old_wikitext) | '' |
Neuer Wikitext der Seite, nach der Bearbeitung (new_wikitext) | ''''Kszaczuch''' (born on April 2, 2009), real name unknown, is a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_Leader cult-leader] from Poland and is mainly known for manipulating his followers into giving him money and being a dedicated [https://brawlstars.fandom.com/wiki/El_Primo El-Primo] fanatic.
Kszaczuch has been active online since 2019, but did not gain any kind of real popularity before 2024 with the decision to join the SnackBag Network ([https://www.snackbag.net/ www.snackbag.net]) where he applied and got accepted as artist. Through this decision he managed to grow his cult of followers; however, several of his friends left to grow the cult by their own, surpassing all power he may have had before. Shortly before this happened, Kszaczuch tried to calm people down with his invention of the Primo-Spider.' |
Vereinigter Versionsunterschied der Bearbeitung (edit_diff) | '@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+'''Kszaczuch''' (born on April 2, 2009), real name unknown, is a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_Leader cult-leader] from Poland and is mainly known for manipulating his followers into giving him money and being a dedicated [https://brawlstars.fandom.com/wiki/El_Primo El-Primo] fanatic.
+Kszaczuch has been active online since 2019, but did not gain any kind of real popularity before 2024 with the decision to join the SnackBag Network ([https://www.snackbag.net/ www.snackbag.net]) where he applied and got accepted as artist. Through this decision he managed to grow his cult of followers; however, several of his friends left to grow the cult by their own, surpassing all power he may have had before. Shortly before this happened, Kszaczuch tried to calm people down with his invention of the Primo-Spider.
' |
Neue Seitengröße (new_size) | 816 |
Alte Seitengröße (old_size) | 0 |
Größenänderung der Bearbeitung (edit_delta) | 816 |
Durch die Bearbeitung hinzugefügte Zeilen (added_lines) | [
0 => ''''Kszaczuch''' (born on April 2, 2009), real name unknown, is a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_Leader cult-leader] from Poland and is mainly known for manipulating his followers into giving him money and being a dedicated [https://brawlstars.fandom.com/wiki/El_Primo El-Primo] fanatic.',
1 => '',
2 => 'Kszaczuch has been active online since 2019, but did not gain any kind of real popularity before 2024 with the decision to join the SnackBag Network ([https://www.snackbag.net/ www.snackbag.net]) where he applied and got accepted as artist. Through this decision he managed to grow his cult of followers; however, several of his friends left to grow the cult by their own, surpassing all power he may have had before. Shortly before this happened, Kszaczuch tried to calm people down with his invention of the Primo-Spider.'
] |
Änderung erfolgte durch einen Torausgangsknoten (tor_exit_node) | false |
Zeitstempel der Änderung im Unix-Format (timestamp) | '1739475219' |